
History is about the study of authentic written communications, books and letters and artifacts. All that we have of the past is smoke and dross except for this. There is no thus such thing as black history for the simple reason that, with rare exceptions like Dumas, old-tymee black folk were not the ones to actually write or produce or save and authenticate the available evidence. It was all done by white Anglo american journalists writing slock copy and fiction that sold for pennies. The subjects left little first hand material because they were essentially incapable of writing or reading and they did not know how to take photographs or develop film or file land claims. So we have only second hand material that has been ‘edited’ by ‘white people’. This logically implies that the category ‘white people’, equals the category ‘civilized and technologically advanced people’. This was was true for a few hundred years, after the printing press (1300), but before telephone, (1890’s).

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